Black Duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory in original paint. This is one example of a quality decoy I have sold. Decoys for sale are listed below.
For sale old wooden duck decoy, hand made and factory hunting decoys: Ben Schmidt and Frank Schmidt, Otto Misch, Chris Smith Chris Craft Factory, Wildfowler Decoy Factory, Evans Decoy Factory, Walter Evans, Dodge Decoy Factory and Michigan makers. I can help you find that special decoy. Give me a call and let me know what you are looking for??
Call Patrick Kane for information, 989-631-3168
Everything is guaranteed as described.
Pintail wooden duck decoy by Darkfeather Freedman. Signed and branded. Patterned after Ben Schmidt decoys. Excellent original condition. $275
Black Duck wooden duck decoy by Hays Decoy Factory. Repainted condition. This model is often mistaken for a Mason decoy. The decoy has a pleasing look and feel. $145
Red Breasted Merganser wooden duck decoy by Andrew Freidrich. Circa 1970. Marine City, Mich. Hollow carved with excellent comb painting. This is a pleasing decorative carving that is signed and all original. $225
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade, restored condition. $245
Greenwinged Teal by Herters, Waseca Minn. 1960's wooden duck decoy carving in original condition. $75
Bluewinged Teal by Herters, Waseca Minn. 1960's wooden duck decoy carving in original condition. $75
Red Breasted Merganser. Bobtail style with lead weight attached. The surface is crackled paint giving it an old look. Restoration by Patrick Kane, $175 for sale
Downriver and Thumb Area Michigan Waterfowling booklet by Kurt Dewhurst and Marsha Mac Dowell, 1981. Otto Misch and Nate Quillen are featured.
Booklets for sale only $25
Otto Misch holding two wooden duck decoys he created.
Pintail wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. This is the decoy pictured in the booklet! Excellent original paint, very few known to exist. Not for sale.
Pintail wooden duck decoy signed by Otto Misch.
Books and Reference Material
Waterfowl Decoys of Southwest Ontario by Paul Brisco. Signed, unused condition.
"Decoying" St. Clair Flats to Saint Lawrence by Barney Crandell. Excellent used copy. $80
"Decoys of Michigan and St Clair Flats Region" Excellent condition. $70
Ben Schmidt , A Michigan Decoy Carver booklet signed and remarqued by author Lowell Jackson. Unused condition. $50
Ben Schmidt hand carving a wooden duck decoy head.
Widgeon wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Excellent original condition.
Made in the late1940's.
Not for sale.
Below are items SOLD to another happy collector!
Widgeon wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Wonderful original condition! Made in the 1940's. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Frank Schmidt, brother of Ben Schmidt. The carving is in excellent original condition. The bottom is repainted. This decoy was mounted on a lamp and there is a small repair on the back. SOLD
Mallard by Jasper Dodge, Ca. 1880's, nice old factory decoy. Sold
Martha's Vineyard Decoys book, out of print, excellent condition, sold
Hen Redhead wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. 1940's mostly original paint. Some touch up on the bill. Two piece body with original keel. The head is in a content pose. Sold
Two factory Teal wooden duck decoys, probably made by Hays, Jefferson City, MO. Blue-winged Teal and Green-winged Teal. Lead strip weight and line tie attached. Wooden stand included. Branded PK. Excellent crackled paint surface. Both decoys are in nicely restored condition by Patrick Kane.
Call Patrick for details 989-631-3168 Sold
Black Duck wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Circa 1940's. Original paint.
Redhead hollow carved wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mich.
Circa 1950's. Excellent original condition with lead keel intact.
Hen Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Nicely restored by Patrick Kane. Branded PK. Sold
Coot wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Brown eyes. Standard grade, hunter second coat with wear on the edges. Sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Ladysmith Wisconsin, made 1927-1934. Standard grade with glass eyes and factory ink stamp. Mostly original paint with touch up on the head and bill. Nice looking example.
Widgeon wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Restored condition by Patrick Kane, branded PK. Nicely crackled surface. Sold
Hen Mallard by Evans Decoy Factory. Sold
Mallard by Evans Decoy Factory. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade, restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Circa 1940's.
Near mint condition. SOLD
Drake Goldeneye wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Circa 1940's. Excellent original condition. Sold
Hen Goldeneye wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Circa 1940's. Excellent original condition. Sold
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, Detroit, Michigan. Circa 1930's.
The condition is very good with a mix of original paint and some touch up. The relaxed head position is very pleasing. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, Detroit, MI. Circa 1930's.
Restored condition by Patrick Kane, excellent crackled paint. Branded PK.
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Weale, Michigan. Hollow carved in excellent original condition. Lead weight intact. Sold
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Original condition, hollow carved with glass eyes. Sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Ladysmith Wisconsin, made 1927-1934. Mammoth grade with glass eyes , hollow carved. Used condition with wear and shot marks. The bottom has a filled crack. The surface is a mix of original paint with touch up . Sold
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade, original paint. Sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Excellent original paint. Mammoth grade. Sold
Redhead wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory, Ladysmith, Wisconsin.
Excellent restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK. Sold
Pintail pair wooden duck decoys by Evans Decoy Factory. Sold
Mallard duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Michigan. Excellent hollow carved decoy in original paint. Sold
Black Duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Michigan. Excellent original paint.
Hen Pintail duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Made around 1940. Excellent original paint with minor touch up on cheeks. Sold.
Ben Schmidt making wooden duck decoys
Hen Mallard wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Signed by Ben. Made in 1958.
Excellent original paint. Sold.
Wood Duck wooden duck decoy by Frank Baumgardner. Houghton Lake, MI.
Excellent restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK. SOLD
Canvasback by Frank Baumgardner, Houghton Lake, MI. 1920's. Original condition with professional bill repair. Original keel intact. Gunned over with a few shot scars. SOLD
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Tobin Meldrum, Pearl Beach, Mich. Ca. 1900
Old hunting decoy with old paint, carved eyes, hollow with bottom board,head is loose yet attached, classic decoy!
Hen Canvasback wooden duck by Ben Schmidt. Unusual high neck carving in near mint condition. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt. Made in the 1940's. Very good condition with hunter touch up. The original keel is intact. Elegant high neck!
Hen Redhead wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, SOLD
Black Duck wooden decoy by Ben Schmidt, Circa 1940's. Minty! SOLD
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's. Original paint.
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, Detroit, MI. 1930's. Original paint. Sold
Pintail wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, SOLD
Black Duck wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, content pose, SOLD
Bluebill wooden duck decoy decoy by Ben Schmidt, content pose, sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, SOLD
Hen Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1930's. Sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1930's. Sold
Redhead wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, SOLD
Hen Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, 1940's, sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, sold
Hen Widgeon wooden duck decoy by Ben Schmidt, sold
Canvasback wooden decoy by Ben and Frank Schmidt, Ca. 1940's. Nicely carved head by Ben and an unusual hollow carved body by Frank. Branded TLBAKER. SOLD
Mallard hollow wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, MI. 1950's, minty! Sold
Black Duck by Otto Misch, excellent original paint. sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoys by Otto Misch. High neck model. Sold
Bluebill hollow carved wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Sold
Hen Canvasback, hollow wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch. Sold
Hen Ringneck wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mich.
Made around 1945. The surface is a mix of original and some old touch up, the lead keel is intact. SOLD
Ringneck Duck wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, 1940's. Old paint touched up by Otto, original lead weight, signed, SOLD
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, 1940's. SOLD
Hen Mallard duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mich. 1940's, original paint, exact decoy pictured in Saginaw Bay Decoy book by William Stout. Sold
Preening Mallard wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, pairs with hen pictured above. Original paint with some touch up. SOLD
Redhead hollow carved wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mich. Original. SOLD
Hen Ringneck wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mi. From his own hunting rig, signed, SOLD
Ringneck wooden duck decoy by Otto Misch, Weale, Mich. 1940's, sold
Mallard wooden duck decoy by Downeast Sportcraft Decoy Company.
Freeport, Maine. 1946-1950. Original paint. Sold
Redhead wooden duck decoy by Hayes Finkle ,Pt Huron, Michigan. 1940's?Hollow carved with glass eyes. Restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK.
Green-winged Teal wooden duck decoy by Western Dodge or Portland area carver, tack eyes, worn paint with shot marks, head is loose yet firmly attached to a dowel. He measures 10 inches long, SOLD
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by C.C. Smith, Chris Craft Boat Co. Algonac, Mi. Excellent hollow carved hunting decoy. Beautiful crackled surface.
Restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK, SOLD
Davey Nichols Redhead Pair, hand carved wooden duck decoy, original condition. Sold

Hen Canvasback by Otto Misch. Sold
Wood Duck wooden decoy from Detroit, 1920's.
Excellent restoration by Patrick Kane, sold
Pintail wooden duck decoy pair by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade. Sold
Bluebill wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory, Ladysmith Wisconsin.
Standard grade model, Nicely restored condition by Patrick Kane.
Branded twice PK. The bottom is original with the Evans stamp. Sold
Pintail woodn duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Restoration by Patrick Kane.
Redhead duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade in very good condition. Minor touch up on neck and wing patches. Ink stamp intact.
Hen Mallard wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Mammoth grade, hollow carved, mostly original paint. The left side has a repair from chest to tail. The surface is excellent with scratch painted feathering. The ink stamp on the bottom is clear. Sold
Bluewinged Teal wooden duck by Evans Decoy Factory. Ladysmith, Wisconsin.
Standard grade model. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory. Ladysmith, Wisconsin.
Early Mammoth grade. Sold
Canvasback wooden duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory, Ladysmith, Wisconsin. Made in 1930's. Mammoth grade, solid body with glass eyes. Excellent restoration by Patrick Kane, branded PK. Sold
Bluebill pair of wooden duck decoys by Evans Decoy Factory.
Bluebill Mammoth grade top and Hen Bluebill Standard bottom. Sold.

Redhead duck decoy by Evans Decoy Factory, Walter Evans.
Ladysmith, Wisconsin. SOLD